ThinkMind // SECURWARE 2016, The Tenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
 Type: conference Download: SECURWARE 2016 cover page Download: SECURWARE 2016 foreword page Download: SECURWARE 2016 committee page Download: SECURWARE 2016 table of contents Download: SECURWARE 2016 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Carla Merkle Westphall, University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Hans-Joachim Hof, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany Geir Køien, University of Agder, Norway Lukáš Králík, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic Martin Hromada, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic Dora Lapkova, Tomas Bata Univerzity in Zlin, Czech Republic Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2162-2116 ISBN: 978-1-61208-493-0 Location: Nice, France Dates: from July 24, 2016 to July 28, 2016 Articles: there are 59 articles A Generic Feature-based Detection for Facebook Spamming Groups Meng-Jia Yen, Yang-Ling Hwang, Cheng-Yu Tsai, Fu-Hau Hsu, and Chih-Wen Ou keywords: Facebook; spamming group; online social network
Beyond the Dolev-Yao Model: Realistic Application-Specific Attacker Models for Applications Using Vehicular Communication Christoph Ponikwar, Hans-Joachim Hof, Smriti Gopinath, and Lars Wischhof keywords: security; attacker model; VANET; V2X; ITS.
Cost-Effective Biometric Authentication using Leap Motion and IoT Devices Louis-Philip Shahim, Dirk Snyman, Tiny Du Toit, and Hennie Kruger keywords: biometrics; information security; internet of things (IoT); leap motion; multifactor authentication.
Node Compromise Detection Based on Parameter Grouping in Wireless Sensor Networks Manyam Thaile and Oruganti Bala Venkata Ramanaiah keywords: node compromise detection; software attestation; parameter grouping; wireless sensor network security
Embedded Security Testing with Peripheral Device Caching and Runtime Program State Approximation Markus Kammerstetter, Daniel Burian, and Wolfgang Kastner keywords: Embedded Systems; Security Analysis; State Explosion; Program Slicing; Virtual Machine Introspection
The Principle of 3D Sensors Miroslav Marcaník, Michal Šustek, Pavel Tomášek, and Jiří Dvořák keywords: 3D sensors; sensors; CCD; CMOS
A Secure Frequency Hiding Index for Encrypted Databases Somayeh Sobati Moghadam keywords: Data outsourcing; data privacy; querying encrypted data
Analysis of Direct Punch in Professional Defence Using Multiple Methods Dora Lapkova, Milan Adamek, and Lukas Kralik keywords: direct punch; professional defence; complex analysis; velocity; force
Methodology of the Determination of the Uncertainties by Using the Biometric Device the iCAM 7000 Hana Talandova, Lukas Kralik, and Milan Adamek keywords: Iris recognition; Identification; iCAM 7000; Percentage of success
Scanning Probe Microscopy Used for 3D Topography Image Acquisition of Marks on Cartidge Cases in Forensic Ballistics Milan Navratil, Vojtech Kresalek, Adam Koutecky, and Zdenek Malanik keywords: forensic balistic; scanning probe microscopy; firing pin; cartridge case; marks; 3D; topography
Security of Seniors – The Detection and Prevention of Falls Lubomír Macků and Markéta Matějíčková keywords: seniors; emergency response; fall detection; smart phones; assistive technology; senior inspect; witrack.
Improvement of CPRNG of the PM-DC-LM Mode and Comparison with its Previous Version Petr Zacek, Roman Jasek, and David Malanik keywords: Deterministic Chaos; Logistic Map; CPRNG; Symmetric Cryptography; Block Cipher; Block Cipher Mode of Operation; PM-DC-LM.
Severity Assessment of Security Incidents Lukas Kralik, Petr Stipek, Roman Senkerik, and Roman Jasek keywords: severity assessment; security; incident; incident management; security management, multi-criterial decision making; MCDM
Methodology of Future Security Studies Jan Valouch and Hana Urbanočoková keywords: security futurology; forecasting methodology; security forecast; security situation; futurologists.
Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference of Electronic Devices Hana Urbancokova, Jan Valouch, Stanislav Kovar, and Milan Adamek keywords: Electromagnetic compatibility; Electromagnetic interference; Intrusion and hold-up alarm systems; Electronic device; Level of interference signals
Object Oriented Role-Based Access Control Petr Stipek, Lukas Kralik, and Roman Senkerik keywords: software security; object-oriented programming; weakly-typed languages; ACL;RBAC; CRUD; ORM/ODM
Introduction to Web Security and Evaluation Methods of Web Application Vulnerabilities Petra Holbíková and Roman Jašek keywords: Web Security; Secure Socket Layer; Threat Risk Modelling; Common Vulnerabilities Score System; Basic Web Security; Security Risks
Electromagnetic Weapons as Means of Stopping Vehicles Jan Valouch and Hana Urbanočoková keywords: direct energy weapons; car; vehicle; electromagnetic susceptibility; high power microwave; non-lethal weapons.
An Empirical Survey on how Much Security and Privacy Customers Want in Instant Messengers Thomas Paul and Hans-Joachim Hof keywords: Instant Messaging; instant messenger; security; usability.
The Mathematical Modeling of Road Transport in Context of Critical Infrastructure Protection Jan Mrazek, Lucia Duricova, and Martin Hromada keywords: critical infrastructure; crisis situation; extraordinary event; mathematical models of road transport; road critical infrastructure
Linkages Types with an Emphasis on Important Critical Infrastructure Sectors Martin Hromada and Frantisek Paulus keywords: critical infrastructure; important critical infrastructure sector; linkage; dependence; interdependence;
Security and Safety Processes in Czech Republic Universities Lucia Duricova, Martin Hromada, and Jan Mrazek keywords: Law Requirements; Risk Management; Safety; Security; Soft Targets
Comprehensive System of Intense Convective Precipitation Forecasts for Regional Crisis Management David Saur and Lucia Duricova keywords: Flash Floods; Weather Forecast; Thunderstorms; Crisis Management
Insight into Contemporary Dissemination Techniques of Mobile Botnet Clients (Bots) Milan Oulehla and David Malanik keywords: Android permission analysis; bot (client of botnet); bot dissemination, C&C server; Google Play; mobile botnet
Innovation Standard Methods of Evaluating the Results of Shooting Zdeněk Maláník and David Malanik keywords: Series Shooting Capability Index; Process Shooting Capability Index; Time Shooting Capability Index.
The Possibilities of the Search Engine Shodan in Relation to SCADA Jan Vávra and Martin Hromada keywords: Cyber Security; Industrial Control System; Vulnerability; Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
The Configuration of Alarm Systems during the Measurement of Electromagnetic Interference Jan Valouch and Stanislav Kovář keywords: electromagnetic compatibility; alarm systems configuration; equipment under test; alarm security systems.
Comparison of Security Devices in Terms of Interception Stanislav Kovar, Jan Valouch, Hana Urbancokova, and Milan Adamek keywords: electromagnetic interference; semi-anechoic chamber; closed circuit television; transmission path; far-field
Theoretical Sources for a Theory of Safety and Security Ludek Lukas keywords: theory of safety and security; risk theory; crisis theory; causality
Comparison of Various Encryption Techniques Based on Deterministic Chaos Miroslav Popelka keywords: Chaos; Chaotic Deterministic Map; Image Encryption; Pixels Shifting.
Using Ethical Hacking to Analyze BYOD Safety in Corporations Roman Jašek and Jakub Nožička keywords: hacking; tablet; android; Kali Linux; wireless network.
Critical Infrastructure Protection – Modeling of Domino and Synergy Effects Martin Hromada keywords: critical infrastructure; model; domino effect; resilience; protection; leontief’s economy model.
Towards Extensible Signature Policies in Brazil: A Case Study Maurício Oliveira, Martín Vigil, Marcelo Carlomagno Carlos, and Ricardo Custódio keywords: Signature Policy; Digital Signature; Public Key Infrastructure; Time-Stamp.
Information Support System Development in Relation to Critical Infrastructure Element Resilience Evaluation Martin Hromada keywords: critical infrastructure; resilience evaluation; information support system.
Strengthening Software Diversity Through Targeted Diversification Vipin Singh Sehrawat and Yvo Desmedt keywords: Software diversity, Return Oriented Programming, Code reuse attack, Targeted diversification.
Education System in Commercial Security Vladislav Stefka keywords: Commercial Security, Detective Activities, Property Protection and Security.
Possibilities of Technical Security of Elementary Schools Rudolf Drga and Hana Charvatova keywords: Elementary school; technical security; organizational structure.
Resistance of Passive Security Elements as A Quantitative Parameter Influencing The Overall Resistance and Resilience of A Critical Infrastructure Element Tomáš Loveček, Anton Šiser, David Řehák, and Martin Hromada keywords: resistance; resiliance; delay time; barriers; indicator
Electromagnetic Compatibility and Power-Line Quality Frantisek Hruska and Milan Navratil keywords: power-line quality; consumer net parameters; harmonic frequency; dynamic system
Interception Methods and GSM Michal Sustek, Miroslav Marcanik, Milan Oplustil, Pavel Tomasek, and Zdenek Urednicek keywords: eavesdropping; interception; GSM; 5G; wiretracking
Preliminary Study of Shielding of 802.11ah Pavel Tomasek keywords: IEEE 802.11ah; Internet of Things; Shielding; Eavesdropping
Authentication of Czech Banknotes using Raman Microscopy Hana Vaskova and Pavel Valasek keywords: authenticity; Czech banknotes; Raman sepctra; inks; spectral library.
An Efficient Pseudo Chaotic Number Generator Based on Coupling and Multiplexing Techniques Ons Jallouli, Safwan El Assad, Mohammed Abu Taha, Maryline Chetto, René Lozi, and Daniel Caragata keywords: Pseudo-chaotic number generator; Weakly Coupling; Chaotic multiplexing technique; Random numbers; Security analyses.
A Novel Verifiable Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Nisha Patel, Prakash D. Vyavahare, and Manish Panchal keywords: Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme; Double Knapsack Algorithm; Shamir's Threshold Scheme; Malicious Participant Detection; ECDLP
An Improved ID-based Proxy Signature Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Deepa Mukherjee, Prakash Vyavahare, and Manish Panchal keywords: Proxy Signature Scheme; ID based Cryptography; designated verifier scheme; ECC; Knapsack Algorithm;
Selective Hybrid Chaotic-Based Cipher for Real-Time Image Application Moussa Farajallah, Rawan Qumsieh, and Samer Isayed keywords: skew tent map; confusion; diffusion; chaos-based cryptosystem
Seven Steps to a Quantum-Resistant Cipher Julian Murguia Hughes keywords: cipher; quantum-resistant; cryptography; secrecy; privacy; encryption; quantum; computing; resistant; data
Reflecting on the Use of Sonification for Network Monitoring Louise Axon, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, and Jason R. C. Nurse keywords: Sonification; Network Security; Anomaly Detection; Network Monitoring; Research Agenda
LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving Martín Vigil, Denise Demirel, Sheikh Mahbub Habib, Sascha Hauke, Johannes Buchmann, and Max Mühlhäuser keywords: Digital Archiving; Time-Stamping; Reputation System; Trust; Electronic Health Record.
Security and Safety Requirements for Soft Targets in Czech Republic Lucia Duricova, Martin Hromada, and Jan Mrazek keywords: Management system; Safety requirements; Soft targets; System solution.
General Model for Personal Data Sensitivity Determination Tomáš Loveček, Marián Magdolen, Jozef Ristvej, and Martin Hromada keywords: Personal data protection; security measures, data security; privacy
A Study on User Perceptions of ICT Security Christine Schuster, Martin Latzenhofer, Stefan Schauer, Johannes Göllner, Christian Meurers, Andreas Peer, Peter Prah, Gerald Quirchmayr, and Thomas Benesch keywords: information security; user perceptions; attitude; human risk factor; work satisfaction; compliance
Visualization of Privacy Risks in Software Systems George O. M. Yee keywords: software; system; privacy; risks; visualization
Information Security Maturity as an Integral Part of ISMS based Risk Management Tools Ben Fetler and Carlo Harpes keywords: Information Security Management System; Maximal Efficiency Rate; Return On Security Maturity Investment; Information Security Risk Analysis; Security Maturity.
Modeling Vulnerable Internet of Things on SHODAN and CENSYS : An Ontology for Cyber Security Marc Arnaert, Yoann Bertrand, and Karima Boudaoud keywords: Keywords-vulnerability; Shodan; Internet of Things; Censys; ontology; cyber security
Energy-aware Security Adaptation in Ubiquitous Mobile Network Tewfiq El Maliki and Aïcha Rizzotti-Kaddouri keywords: framework; autonomic; security adaptation; energy awareness; mobile network
Security Update and Incident Handling for IoT-devices; A Privacy-Aware Approach Geir Køien keywords: Internet-of-Things; Smart home; Incident reporting; Security maintenance; Privacy; Security management.
Attacker-Parametrised Attack Graphs Alastair Janse van Rensburg, Jason R. C. Nurse, and Michael Goldsmith keywords: Attack graphs; attacker profiling; intrusion detection
Study on Dual Data Structure in Enterprise Information Security Architecture Mikio Suzuki and Fumihiro Kubota keywords: Operation Center; logs; Dual Data Structure; Information Security Policy.