ThinkMind // ICN 2015, The Fourteenth International Conference on Networks
 Type: conference Download: ICN 2015 cover page Download: ICN 2015 foreword page Download: ICN 2015 committee page Download: ICN 2015 table of contents Download: ICN 2015 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Carlos Becker Westphall, University of Santa Catarina, Brazil Eugen Borcoci, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4413 ISBN: 978-1-61208-398-8 Location: Barcelona, Spain Dates: from April 19, 2015 to April 24, 2015 Articles: there are 43 articles Priority Levels in a HIPERLAN Based Forwarding Mechanism for Intermittent Connectivity Constantine Coutras keywords: Wireless Networks; Intermitent Connectivity; Forwarding Mechanism
Fine angle estimation using Weighted Average-ESPRIT for radar-based WSN Sangdong Kim, Yeonghwan Ju, Daegun Oh, and Jonghun Lee keywords: radar-based WSN, Monitoring system, Weighted-average scheme, ESPRIT
A Border-Oriented-Forward Routing Protocol for Large-Scale WSANs with Support to Actuator-Sensor-Actuator Communication Luis Eduardo Lima, Juliana Garcia Cespedes, Mariá Cristina Vasconcelos Nascimento, and Valério Rosset keywords: WSAN; Routing; Energy Efficiency; Reliability
A Study of the Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Digital Television Antenna Radiation: A Simulation and Evaluation of Exposure Diogo Seiji Ishimori, Ramz Luís Fraiha Lopes, Rita de Cássia Souza, Jasmine Araújo, Josiane Rodrigues, and Gervásio Cavalcante keywords: electromagnetic compatibility; simulation; method of moments; antenna array
Analyzing the Optimum Switching Points for Adaptive FEC in Wireless Networks with Rayleigh Fading Moise Bandiri and Jose Brito keywords: adaptive FEC; performance analysis; optimum switching points.
Multicast Receiver Access Control in the Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT) Environment Veera Nagasiva Tejeswi Malla and John William Atwood keywords: Automatic Multicast Tunneling; Access Control; Unicast Network; Multicast Network
Benchmarking the Performance of XenDesktop Virtual DeskTop Infrastructure (VDI) Platform Shie-Yuan Wang and Wen-Jhe Chang keywords: EstiNet; VDI; VM
Worst Case Modeling of Aggregate Scheduling by Network Calculus Ulrich Klehmet and Rüdiger Berndt keywords: Worst-case Communication System Modeling; Network Calculus; Aggregate Scheduling; Strict-non-strict Service Curves; Backlogged Period
Extending Contemporary Network Modeling towards the Photonic Layer Jan Kundrát and Stanislav Šíma keywords: photonics; optical networking; network modeling; CAD.
A Peer to Peer Architecture Applied to Multiplayer Games Felipe Rocha Wagner, Marcio Garcia Martins, and Arthur Tórgo Gómez keywords: network; peer to peer; network address translator; transversal problem.
Performance Evaluation Methodology for Cloud Computing using Data Envelopment Analysis Marcial Fernandez and Leonardo Souza keywords: Cloud Computing; Performance evaluation; Methodology.
NDNGame: A NDN-based Architecture for Online Games Diego Barros and Marcial Fernandez keywords: Future Internet; Online game architecture; Named Data Network (NDN)
Revisiting Virtual Private Network Service at Carrier Networks: Taking Advantage of Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualisation Luiz Cláudio Theodoro, Pedro Macedo Leite, Hélvio Pereira de Freitas, Adailson Carlos Souza Passos, João Henrique de Souza Pereira, Flávio de Oliveira Silva, Pedro Frosi Rosa, and Alexandre Cardoso keywords: Software Defined Networking; Network Function Virtualisation; VPN; QoS; NAT
Assessing Soft- and Hardware Bottlenecks in PC-based Packet Forwarding Systems Paul Emmerich, Daniel Raumer, Florian Wohlfart, and Georg Carle keywords: Linux Router; Intel DPDK; Performance Evaluation; Measurement
Developing a Simulator Applied to Audio Coding Process MPEG-4 AAC Mauricio Harrf, Marcio Garcia Martins, and Arthur Tórgo Gómez keywords: compression; MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding; Metaheuristics.
Computational Clusters Efficient Parallel Data Transmission Paradigm Mahdi Qasim Mohammed, Mohammed M. Azeez, Mustafa Aljshamee, Abbas Malekpour, and Peter Luksch keywords: Message passing interface MIP,Stream control transmission protocol SCTP
MannaSim: A NS-2 Extension to Simulate Wireless Sensor Network Rodolfo Miranda Pereira, Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz, and Maria Luisa Amarante Ghizoni keywords: Wireless Sensor Network; Network Simulator (NS-2); Simulation Framework.
Comparative Analysis of the Algorithms for Pathfinding in GPS Systems Dustin Ostrowski, Iwona Pozniak-Koszalka, Leszek Koszalka, and Andrzej Kasprzak keywords: GPS; search algorithms; experimentation system; path finding
A Study on GPS Positioning Method with Assistance of a Distance Sensor Yasuhhiro Ikeda, Hiroyuki Hatano, Masahiro Fujii, Atsushi Ito, Yu Watanabe, Tomoya Kitani, Toru Aoki, and Hironobu Onishi keywords: GPS; Positioning; Urban canyon; Lack of observable satellites
Characterization and Modelling of YouTube Traffic in Mobile Networks Géza Horváth and Péter Fazekas keywords: YouTube; video optimization; burstiness; traffic characterization; traffic model
Implementation Design of UPCON-based Traffic Control Functions working with vEPC Megumi Shibuya, Atsuo Tachibana, and Teruyuki Hasegawa keywords: UPCON; Congestion Control; vEPC; Traffic Control; DIAMETER
A Novel Protocol for Interference Mitigation in MIMO Femto Cell Environment Zuhaib Ashfaq Khan, Muhammad Hasanain Chaudary, and Juinn-Horng Deng keywords: Femto Cooperative (Fe-COPE); Interference mitigation; MIMO-Femto environment; Alamouti Coding.
Improving Attack Mitigation with a Cost-sensitive and Adaptive Intrusion Response System Rodion Iafarov, Ruediger Gad, and Martin Kappes keywords: Intrusion Response System; Risk Assessment; Impact Cost Assessment; Dynamic; Adaptive
Model for Cloud Computing Risk Analysis Paulo Fernando Silva, Carlos Becker Westphall, Carla Merkle Westphall, and Mauro Marcelo Mattos keywords: ISO 27005; cloud computing; risk analysis;
Classifying Anomalous Mobile Applications Based on Data Flows Chia-Mei Chen, Gu-Hsin Lai, Yu-Hsuan Tsai, and Sheng-Tzong Cheng keywords: mobile security; malware detection; static analysis.
Lightbulb: A Toolkit for Analysis of Security Policy Interactions Derrick Kong, David Mandelberg, Andrei Lapets, Ronald Watro, Daniel Smith, and Matthew Runkle keywords: cyber security; security policy; network security policy; access control; logic programming; formal verification
Multi-channel Secure Interconnection Design for Hybrid Clouds Mauro Storch, César De Rose, Avelino Zorzo, and Régio Michelin keywords: Hybird Cloud Computing; Communication Security; Distributed Systems; Network Communications; Communication Performance; Quality of Services.
A Generalized Approach to Predict the Availability of IPTV Services in Vehicular Networks Using an Analytical Model Bernd E. Wolfinger, Edgar E. Báez, and Nico R. Wilzek keywords: Vehicular networks; IPTV; QoE; service availability; analytical model; validation.
Prediction Metrics for QoE/QoS in Wireless Video Networks for Indoor Environmental Planning: a Bayesian Approach Andre Augusto Pacheco de Carvalho, João Victor Costa Carmona, Jasmine Priscyla Leite de Araujo, Simone da Graça de Castro Fraiha, Hermínio Simões Gomes, and Gervásio Protásio dos Santos Cavalcante keywords: QoE, QoS, measurements, simulation, Bayesian networks, wireless networks.
Non-Invasive Estimation of Cloud Applications Performance via Hypervisor's Operating Systems Counters Fábio Rossi, Israel de Oliveira, César De Rose, Rodrigo Calheiros, and Rajkumar Buyya keywords: Cloud Computing; IaaS; QoE; Response time; SLA.
Control Plane Routing Protocol for the Entity Title Architecture Natal Vieira de Souza Neto, João Henrique de Souza Pereira, Flavio de Oliveira Silva, and Pedro Frosi Rosa keywords: Software Defined Networking; Routing; Protocol Specification.
Toll Fraud Detection in Voice over IP Networks Using Communication Behavior Patterns on Unlabeled Data Sandra Kübler, Michael Massoth, Anton Wiens, and Torsten Wiens keywords: Fraud detection; Voice over IP networks; behavior pattern recognition; unlabeled data; FRITZ!Box.
ACROSS-FI: Attribute-Based Access Control with Distributed Policies for Future Internet Testbeds Edelberto Franco Silva, Natalia Castro Fernandes, and Debora Muchaluat-Saade keywords: future internet; authorization; authentication; attribute-based access control.
IVHM System Integration Network Performance Analysis using different Middleware Technologies and Network Structure Rajkumar Choudhary, Suresh Perinpanayagam, and Eugene Butans keywords: Distributed systems; IVHM; systems integration; architecture; OSA-CBM; middleware
A Lightweight Approach to Manifesting Responsible Parties for TCP Packet Loss Guang Cheng, Yongning Tang, and Tibor Gyires keywords: responsibility, performance diagnosis
Decision-theoretic Model to Support Autonomic Cloud Computing Alexandre Augusto Flores, Rafael de Souza Mendes, Gabriel Beims Bräscher, Carlos Becker Westphall, and Maria Elena Villareal keywords: cloud computing; autonomic computing; decision-theoretic planning; cloud model
Design and Implementation of IoT Sensor Network Architecture with the Concept of Differential Security Level Jaekeun Lee, Daebeom Jeong, Ji-Seok Han, Seongman Jang, Sanghoon Lee, Keonhee Cho, and Sehyun Park keywords: environmental monitoring; IoT sensor network; ZigBee communication; network reliability; differential security level
A Flexible Self-Aligning Communication Solution for Multinational Large Scale Disaster Operations Peter Dorfinger, Ferdinand von Tüllenburg, Georg Panholzer, and Thomas Pfeiffenberger keywords: Emergency network; self-alignment; interoperability; communication; wireless coverage simulation
Interference-Aware Routing Supporting CARMNET System Operation in Large-Scale Wireless Networks Maciej Urbański, Przemyslaw Walkowiak, and Pawel Misiorek keywords: mesh/multi-hop networks; interference-aware routing; large-scale wireless experimentation
Comparisons of SDN OpenFlow Controllers over EstiNet: Ryu vs. NOX Shie-Yuan Wang, Hung-Wei Chiu, and Chih-Liang Chou keywords: SDN; OpenFlow; Network Simulator
Network Partitioning Problem to Reduce Shared Information in OpenFlow Networks with Multiple Controllers Hidenobu Aoki, Junichi Nagano, and Norihiko Shinomiya keywords: Software-Defined Networking; OpenFlow; multiple controllers; layered control plane; graph clustering.
State-of-the-art Energy Efficiency Approaches in Software Defined Networking Beakal Gizachew Assefa and Oznur Ozkasap keywords: Software defined networking, SDN, Energy efficiency
On Multi-controller Placement Optimization in Software Defined Networking -based WANs Eugen Borcoci, Radu Badea, Serban Georgica Obreja, and Marius Vochin keywords: Software Defined Networking; Distributed Control Plane; Controller placement; Reliability; Multi-criteria optimizations