ThinkMind // ACHI 2012, The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
 Type: conference Download: ACHI 2012 cover page Download: ACHI 2012 foreword page Download: ACHI 2012 committee page Download: ACHI 2012 table of contents Download: ACHI 2012 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Leslie Miller, Iowa State University - Ames, USA Silvana Roncagliolo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4138 ISBN: 978-1-61208-177-9 Location: Valencia, Spain Dates: from January 30, 2012 to February 4, 2012 Articles: there are 63 articles GPU Based Burning Process Simulation Ran Jiao, Liu Yonggan, and Hao Aimin keywords: burning; fire spreading model; deformation;
Context-dependent Action Interpretation in Interactive Storytelling Games Chung-Lun Lu and Von-Wun Soo keywords: interactive storytelling; behabior interpretation
Developing User-Centered Video Game Concepts for Language Learning Yorick Poels, Jan-Henk Annema, Bieke Zaman, and Frederik Cornillie keywords: co-design, user-centered, games, language learning
Online Casinos: The Addiction Under Control Role of Web 2.0 and re-documentarisation Karim Fraoua and Christian Bourret keywords: online; gambling; addiction; neuroeconomy; game theory; information system
Evaluation of User Interface Satisfaction of Mobile Maps for Touch Screen Interfaces Ya-Li Lin keywords: User Interface Satisfaction; Mobile Map; Mobile Spatial Interaction; Touch Screen; Sense of Direction.
Tablet PCs – An Assistive Technology for Students with Reading Difficulties? Andrea A. Gasparini and Alma Leora Culén keywords: assistive technology; iPad; reading difficulties; tablet PC; technology adoption
Spatial Ability and Map-Based Software Applications Michelle Rusch, Sarah Nusser, Les Miller, Georgi Batinov, and Kofi Whitney keywords: usability, spatial ability
A Presentation Support System by Expanding Embodiment with a Mobile Touchscreen Device Michiya Yamamoto, Taku Murabayashi, and Tomio Watanabe keywords: presentation support; expansion of embodiment
Designing Mobile Apps for Visually Impaired and Blind Users Javier Sanchez and Joaquín Selva Roca de Togores keywords: design ; mobile App ; visually impaired ; blind ; usability ; low vision mobile portal ; accesibility ; iOS ; iPhone
Building Bridges Between Elderly and TV Application Developers José Coelho, Carlos Duarte, Pedro Feiteira, Daniel Costa, and David Costa keywords: multimodal, adaptation, developers, elderly
Analysis of Volumetric Tactile Symbols Produced with 3D Printing Jaume Gual, Marina Puyuelo, and Joaquim Lloveras keywords: tactile symbols; tactile maps; inclusive design; visual impairment
Ethnographic Examination for Studying Information Sharing Practices in Rural South Africa Amandeep Dhir, Imad Moukadem, Nobert Jere, Puneet Kaur, Sari Kujala, and Antti Ylä-Jääski keywords: Emerging markets; ethnography; information sharing; oral culture; rural users
Accessibility Study of Rich Web Interface Components Juliana Braga, Rafael Damaceno, Rodrigo Leme, and Silvia Dotta keywords: Rich Internet; accessibility; WAI-ARIA; Web 2.0
Virtualization Technology for Multi-display Systems Igor Petukhov, Lyudmila Steshina, and Ilya Tanryverdiev keywords: multi-user multi-monitor systems; virtual machine technology; interface
A Generic Approach to Interactive University Timetabling Michael Zeising and Stefan Jablonski keywords: interactive timetabling, decision support systems, examination regulations, planning user interfaces
The Utility of Controlled Vocabularies within Bookmark Management Tasks Siu-Tsen Shen and Stephen D. Prior keywords: controlled vocabulary; bookmark management; web browser; information search; information retrieval
Designing Multi-Modal Map-Based Interfaces for Disaster Management Volker Paelke, Karsten Nebe, Christian Geiger, Florian Klompmaker, and Holger Fischer keywords: post-WIMP user interfaces; natural user interfaces; mapping; geo-visualization; multi-touch interaction; pen-based interaction; tangible interaction
Multilingual Ontology Alignment Based on Visual Representations of Ontology Concepts Srdan Mihic and Dragan Ivetic keywords: multilingual ontologies; ontology alignment; image retrieval; multimedia semantics
TsoKaDo: An Image Search Engine Performing Recursive Query Recommendation Based on Visual Information Lazaros Tsochatzidis, Athanasios Kapoutsis, Nikos Dourvas, Savvas Chatzichristofis, Yiannis Boutalis, and Konstantinos Zagoris keywords: Image Retrieval; Metadata; Image Annotation; Query Recommendation Systems.
Head Nod and Shake Gesture Interface for a Self-portrait Camera Shaowei Chu and Jiro Tanaka keywords: head gesture; self-portrait; human computer interaction; optical-flow; motion tracking
Towards 3D Data Environments using Multi-Touch Screens Francisco R. Ortega, Armando Barreto, Naphtali Rishe, and Malek Adjouadi keywords: Multi-Touch; 3D Interaction; 3D Navigation; Gestures.
User Interface for Trust Decision Making in Inter-Enterprise Collaborations Puneet Kaur, Sini Ruohomaa, and Lea Kutvonen keywords: trust decisions, reputation, risk, inter-enterprise collaboration, expert tool
Human Operator Perspective to Autonomic Network Management Marja Liinasuo, Iina Aaltonen, Hannu Karvonen, Beatriz Fuentes, and Alfonso Castro keywords: autonomic networks; self x; Network Governance; human operators; human factors.
Contents Enforme: Automatic Deformation of Content for Multi-features without Information Loss Hiroaki Tobita keywords: Deformation; Information Retrieval; Video Compression; Zooming; Thumbnail; Net-meeting.
Authenticated Tangible Interaction using RFID and Depth-Sensing Cameras Florian Klompmaker, Holger Fischer, and Helge Jung keywords: natural user interfaces; multitouch interaction; tangible interaction; interactive table; authentication
Generic Brain-computer Interface for Social and Human-computer Interaction Julita de la Vega Arias, Christoph Hintermüller, and Christoph Guger keywords: Brain-Computer Interface; BCI; P300; Visual Evoked Potentials; speller; Second Life; Virtual Smart Home
A Conversational System to Assist the User when Accessing Web Sources in the Medical Domain Marta Gatius and Tsetsegkhand Namsrai keywords: Keywords-conversational web assistant systems; ontologies; medical domain.
Face Detection CUDA Accelerating Jaromír Krpec and Martin Němec keywords: CUDA; GPU; Face Detection; Viola and Jones algorithm
User Attention in Mobile Devices Pekka Isomursu, Minna Isomursu, and Mari Ervasti keywords: mobile Internet; attentive user interface; user interface; UI; ambient notification; human factors; design.
Semiautomatic Evaluation of Websites Usability Eva Garcia, Antonio Garcia-Cabot, Luis de-Marcos, Salvador Oton, and Jose-Ramon Hilera keywords: Usability evaluation; usability guidelines; heuristic evaluation; web usability
Motion-sound Interaction Using Sonification based on Motiongrams Alexander Refsum Jensenius keywords: sonification; motion; motiongram; jamoma
Touchscreen Interfaces for Visual Languages Michael Hackett and Philip T. Cox keywords: Touchscreens; visual programming; bimanual; user interfaces; kinaesthetic feedback
Design Guidelines for Hybrid 2D/3D User Interfaces on Tablet Devices - A User Experience Evaluation Katri Salo, Leena Arhippainen, and Seamus Hickey keywords: 3D; hybrid; tablet; user experience; user interface
A Usage-Centered Evaluation Methodology for Unmanned Ground Vehicles Jurriaan van Diggelen, Rosemarijn Looije, Tina Mioch, Mark Neerincx, and Nanja Smets keywords: Human-robot cooperation; Performance evaluation
An Error Analysis Model for Adaptive Deformation Simulation Umut Kocak, Karljohan Lundin Palmerius, and Matthew Cooper keywords: physically based, deformation, multi-resolution, perception, error, analysis
On the Evaluation of Auditory and Head-up Displays While Driving Christina Dicke, Grega Jakus, Saso Tomazic, and Jaka Sodnik keywords: Human-computer interaction; auditory interface; head-up display; car simulator; driving performance
Evaluating the Usability and the Communicability of Grid Computing Applications Cristian Rusu, Silvana Roncagliolo, Arturo Figueroa, Virginica Rusu, and Dorian Gorgan keywords: usability; communicability; grid computing applications; semiotic engineering; usability heuristics
Practical Usability in XP Software Development Processes Zahid Hussain, Martin Lechner, Harald Milchrahm, Sara Shahzad, Wolfgang Slany, Martin Umgeher, Thomas Vlk, Christina Koeffel, Manfred Tscheligi, and Peter Wolkerstorfer keywords: Agile Methods; Extreme Programming; Usability; User Experience; User-Centered Design.
Emotion Recognition Through ANS Responses Evoked by Negative Emotions Eun-Hye Jang, Byoung-Jun Park, Yeongji Eum, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Chul Huh, and Jin-Hun Sohn keywords: emotion recognition; machine learning algorithm; ANS responses
Identification of Optimal Emotion Classifier with Feature Selections Using Physiological Signals Byoung-Jun Park, Eun-Hye Jang, Sang-Hyeob Kim, Chul Huh, and Jin-Hun Sohn keywords: emotion classification, physiologial signals, prototypes, feature selection, particle swarm optimization
Interacting with Navigation Devices: A Case Study Javier Calle, Esperanza Albacete, Enrique Sánchez, and Dolores Cuadra keywords: Guiding Service; Natural Interaction; Evaluation
Kalman Filter for Tracking Robotic Arms Using low cost 3D Vision Systems Enrique Martinez-Berti, Antonio-José Sanchez-Salmerón, and Francesc Benimeli keywords: low cost vision system; Kalman filter; augmented reality; kinematics; Human–machine interaction.
Predicting Performance and Situation Awareness of Robot Operators in Complex Situations by Unit Task Tests Tina Mioch, Nanja J. J. M. Smets, and Mark A. Neerincx keywords: Human-robot cooperation; Performance evaluation
Evaluation of Cognitive Effort in the Perception of Engineering Drawings as 3D Models Florin Girbacia keywords: computer aided design; product development; engineering drawings; mental reconstruction
A Recommendation Method Based on Contents and User Feedback So Ryoung Kim, Sang Min Choi, Yo Sub Han, and Lae Hyun Kim keywords: Recommend method, Learning algorithm, User Preference, Recommendation system
Developing a Human Computer Interaction Course for an Information Technology Major Cynthia Lester keywords: Human computer interaction; information technology; undergraduate students
Physical Instructional Support System Using Virtual Avatars Tomoaki Ogawa and Yasushi Kambayashi keywords: sport; Kinect; MMDAgentt; remote instruction
Situated Cognitive Engineering: The Requirements and Design of Automatically Directed Scenario-based Training Marieke Peeters, Karel van den Bosch, John-Jules Ch. Meyer, and Mark A. Neerincx keywords: director; scenario; training; cognitive engineering
Augmented Reality in Minimally Invasive Surgery Lucio Tommaso De Paolis De Paolis and Giovanni Aloisio Aloisio keywords: Augmented Reality, medical images, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic pediatric surgery, RF ablation
Increased Cognitive Load in Resolution of Problems Caused by Human Error on New Aircrafts Edgard Martins keywords: New technologies; Automation; Human error
Using Social Media for Collaborative Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study Na Li, Sandy El Helou, and Denis Gillet keywords: social media, collaborative learning, knowledge management, E-Learning 2.0
AlgoPath: A New Way of Learning Algorithmic Estelle Perrin, Sébastien Linck, and Frédéric Danesi keywords: 3D-based training; education; algorithmics; ludic teaching
Alleyoop: Interactive Information Retrieval System with Sketch Manipulations Hiroaki Tobita keywords: Retrieval; Information Visualization; Sketch and Paint Manipulations; Interactive System.
Interactive Hand Gesture-based Assembly for Augmented Reality Applications Rafael Radkowski and Christian Stritzke keywords: Augmented Reality; Interaction; Interactive Assembly
A Dance Training System that Maps Self-Images onto an Instruction Video Minoru Fujimoto, Tsutomu Terada, and Masahiko Tsukamoto keywords: motion capture; motion training
Interaction in Augmented Reality by Means of Z-buffer Based Collision Detection Yasuyuki Souma, Hidemi Yamachi, Yasuhiro Tsujimura, and Yasushi Kambayashi keywords: Cyber Radar; depth sensor; Z-buffer; collision detection; object detection
The Effect of Metacognition in Cooperation on Team Behaviors Kohei Nonose, Taro Kanno, and Kazuo Furuta keywords: team cooperation, cognition, measurements, training
Educational Playability Analyzing Player Experiences in Educational Video Games Amer Ibrahim, Francisco Luis Gutiérrez Vela, José Luis González Sánchez, and Natalia Padilla Zea keywords: Playability; Player Experience; Educational Video Game.
User Experience: Buzzword or New Paradigm? Dominique Scapin, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse, and Marc Pallot keywords: User Experience, Usage, HCI, New Paradigm, Hedonic, Pragmatic, Methods
Enhancing Automatic Detection of Frustration Induced During HCI with Moment-based Biosignal Features Dimitris Giakoumis, Dimitrios Tzovaras, and George Hassapis keywords: automatic frustration detection, biosignals, moment-based features, video game-playing
Adaptivity Considerations for Enhancing User-Centric Web Experience Marios Belk, Panagiotis Germanakos, Panagiotis Zaharias, and George Samaras keywords: User-adaptive systems; User Modeling (UM); User Experience (UX); Cognitive Factors
Modality Preferences of Different User Groups Benjamin Weiss, Sebastian Möller, and Matthias Schulz keywords: multimodal dialog system; evaluation; user factors
Users’ Trust and Secure Feeling towards Cloud Services Kaarina Karppinen keywords: cloud services; end users; security; trust