InfoSys 2025 Congress
March 09, 2025 to March 13, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICNS 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Networking and Services
  • ICAS 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
  • ENERGY 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
  • WEB 2025, The Thirteenth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
  • DBKDA 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
  • SIGNAL 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
  • BIOTECHNO 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
  • AIHealth 2025, The Second International Conference on AI-Health

InfoWare 2025 Congress
March 09, 2025 to March 13, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICCGI 2025, The Twentieth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
  • ICWMC 2025, The Twenty-Second International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications
  • VEHICULAR 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications
  • INTERNET 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Evolving Internet
  • COLLA 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications
  • INTELLI 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications
  • VISUAL 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms
  • HUSO 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Human and Social Analytics
  • BRAININFO 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Neuroscience and Cognitive Brain Information

DataSys 2025 Congress
April 06, 2025 to April 10, 2025 - Valencia, Spain

  • AICT 2025, The Twenty-Second Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications
  • ICIW 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
  • ICIMP 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
  • SMART 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies
  • IMMM 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management
  • INFOCOMP 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation
  • MOBILITY 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users
  • SPWID 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems
  • ACCSE 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Computation, Communications and Services

ComputationWorld 2025 Congress
April 06, 2025 to April 10, 2025 - Valencia, Spain

  • SERVICE COMPUTATION 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Service Computing
  • CLOUD COMPUTING 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization
  • FUTURE COMPUTING 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
  • COGNITIVE 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications
  • ADAPTIVE 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications
  • CONTENT 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Creative Content Technologies
  • PATTERNS 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications
  • COMPUTATION TOOLS 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Computational Logics, Algebras, Programming, Tools, and Benchmarking
  • BUSTECH 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Business Intelligence and Technology
  • AIVR 2025, The Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Virtual Reality

NexComm 2025 Congress
May 18, 2025 to May 22, 2025 - Nice, France

  • ICDT 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications
  • SPACOMM 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications
  • ICN 2025, The Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Networks
  • ICONS 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Systems
  • MMEDIA 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Multimedia
  • PESARO 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications
  • CTRQ 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service
  • ALLDATA 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data
  • SOFTENG 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering

DigitalWorld 2025 Congress
May 18, 2025 to May 22, 2025 - Nice, France

  • ICDS 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Digital Society
  • ACHI 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
  • GEOProcessing 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
  • eTELEMED 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
  • eLmL 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning
  • eKNOW 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
  • ALLSENSORS 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
  • SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments

IARIA Congress 2025, The 2025 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications
July 06, 2025 to July 10, 2025 - Athens, Greece

DigiTech 2025 Congress
July 06, 2025 to July 10, 2025 - Athens, Greece

  • DIGITAL 2025, Advances on Societal Digital Transformation
  • IoTAI 2025, The Second International Conference on IoT-AI
  • GPTMB 2025, The Second International Conference on Generative Pre-trained Transformer Models and Beyond

NexTech 2025 Congress
September 28, 2025 to October 02, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • UBICOMM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
  • ADVCOMP 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
  • SEMAPRO 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
  • AMBIENT 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies
  • EMERGING 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence
  • DATA ANALYTICS 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Data Analytics
  • GLOBAL HEALTH 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Global Health Challenges
  • CYBER 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems

SoftNet 2025 Congress
September 28, 2025 to October 02, 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

  • ICSEA 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
  • ICSNC 2025, The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
  • CENTRIC 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services
  • VALID 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
  • SIMUL 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation
  • SOTICS 2025, The Fifteenth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics
  • INNOV 2025, The Fourteenth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies
  • AISyS 2025, The Second International Conference on AI-based Systems and Services

SocSys 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain

NetWare 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain

  • SENSORCOMM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
  • SENSORDEVICES 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications
  • SECURWARE 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
  • AFIN 2025, The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in Future Internet
  • CENICS 2025, The Eighteenth International Conference on Advances in Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics
  • ICQNM 2025, The Nineteenth International Conference on Quantum, Nano/Bio, and Micro Technologies
  • FASSI 2025, The Eleventh International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration
  • GREEN 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies
  • HEALTHINFO 2025, The Tenth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing

TechWorld 2025 Congress
October 26, 2025 to October 30, 2025 - Barcelona, Spain


ThinkMind // International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, volume 10, numbers 3 and 4, 2017

Type: journal

Notes: A free access journal featuring works submitted on an invitation basis only.

Event editions: - there are 32 editions.

ISSN: 1942-2679

Articles: there are 25 articles

SoNA: A Knowledge-based Social Network Analysis Framework for Predictive Policing
Michael Spranger, Hanna Siewerts, Joshua Hampl, Florian Heinke, and Dirk Labudde
keywords: forensic; opinion-leader; topic mining; expert system; text analysis; classification; sentiment analysis

Efficient ASIC Design of Digital Down Converter for Mobile Applications
Rajesh Mehra, Shallu Sharma, Akanksha Jetly, and Rita Rana
keywords: 3G mobile communication; asic; base stations; radio transceivers; reconfigurable logic.

Intelligent Agents to Efficient Management Industrial Services and Resources
Antonio Martin-Montes, Mauricio Burbano, and Carlos Leon
keywords: Case base Reasoning; Ontology; jColibri; Semantic Interoperability; Artificial Intelligence.

Object Sensing and Shape Detection Using Vibrissa Hair-like Sensors with Intrinsic Curvature
Carsten Behn, Christoph Will, Anton Sauter, Tobias Preiß, and Joachim Steigenberger
keywords: Vibrissa; intrinsic curvature; sensing; object scanning; contour reconstruction.

Patterns to Inform a Study Setup for Biometric Image Data Capturing
Artur Lupp, Alexander G. Mirnig, Thomas Grah, Andreas Uhl, and Manfred Tscheligi
keywords: design patterns; pattern reuse; study setup optimization

Automotive Software Product Line Architecture Evolution: Extracting, Designing and Managing Architectural Concepts
Axel Grewe, Christoph Knieke, Marco Körner, Andreas Rausch, Mirco Schindler, Arthur Strasser, and Martin Vogel
keywords: Architecture Evolution; Software Product Lines; Architecture Quality Measures; Automotive Software Engineering

Conversational Homes: A Uniform Natural Language Approach for Collaboration Among Humans and Devices
Dave Braines, Nick O'Leary, Anna Thomas, Daniel Harborne, Alun Preece, and Will Webberley
keywords: Controlled Natural Language; Conversational Interaction

Resources and their Description for Additive Manufacturing
Felix W. Baumann, Julian Eichhoff, and Dieter Roller
keywords: 3D Printing; Additive Manufacturing; Resource Description; Capability Description; Service Selection; Service Discovery

The Social Scaffolding of Machine Intelligence
Paul R Smart and Aastha Madaan
keywords: internet; social intelligence; language; machine intelligence; machine learning.

The Modular Structure of Housing Utilities: Analyzing Architectural Integration Patterns
Peter De Bruyn, Herwig Mannaert, Jeroen Faes, Tom Vermeire, and Jasper Bosmans
keywords: Modularity, Housing, Evolvability, Normalized Systems, Architectural Patterns

Exploring Evolvable Modular Patterns within Logistics
Peter De Bruyn, Herwig Mannaert, and Philip Huysmans
keywords: Modularity, Transportation, Logistics, Evolvability, Patterns, Physical Internet

Design Patterns for Gradual Composition of Adaptive Graphical User Interfaces
Samuel Longchamps and Ruben Gonzalez-Rubio
keywords: adaptive; design pattern; graphical user interface; context; library.

Creating New Views and Insights by Computing Spatial Cogwheel Modules for Knowledge Integration
Claus-Peter Rückemann
keywords: Knowledge-based Views and Insights; Cogwheel Modules Methodology; Data-centric Knowledge Mining; Universal Decimal Classification; Advanced Computing.

An SME Decision Support System Utilising Defined Scoring Methods
Daniel Pashley, Theodore Tryfonas, Andrew Crossley, and Chris Setchell
keywords: Portfolio Management; Scoring Methods; Decision Support Systems

Coding Collaboration Process Automatically: Coding Methods Using Deep Learning Technology
Kimihiko Ando, Chihiro Shibata, and Taketoshi Inaba
keywords: CSCL; leaning analytics; coding scheme; deep learning methods.

A Cost-Benefit Method for Business Rules Normalization
Koen Smit and Martijn Zoet
keywords: Business Rules; Decision Management; Normalization; Cost-Benefit Analysis

Semantic Behavior Modeling and Event-Driven Reasoning for Urban System of Systems
Maria Coelho, Mark Austin, and Mark Blackburn
keywords: Systems Engineering; Ontologies; Behavior Modeling; Mediator; Network Communication.

A Method for the Analysis of the Nano- and Micromorphology of Printed Structures on Flexible Polymer Films
Martin Ungerer, Waldemar Spomer, Irene Wacker, Rasmus Schröder, and Ulrich Gengenbach
keywords: Inkjet-printing; silver nanoparticle ink; polyethylene terephthalate; sintering; ultramicrotome sectioning; imaging by scanning electron microscopy; cross section of conductive traces; microstructure; nanoparticle density.

Framework for Knowledge-Based Fault Detection and Diagnostics in Multi-Domain Systems: Application to Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems
Parastoo Delgoshaei and Mark Austin
keywords: Fault Detection and Diagnostics; Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC); Inference-Based, Knowledge Base, Ontologies; Reasoning.

Spectrum Sharing Transforms Mobile Broadband Networks Towards Markets - Analysis of Sharing Economy Antecedents for Recent Spectrum Sharing Concepts
Seppo Yrjölä, Marja Matinmikko, Miia Mustonen, and Petri Ahokangas
keywords: business model; cognitive radio; markets and hierarchies; sharing economy; spectrum sharing

Development of a Support System for Japanese Extensive Reading: An evaluation of the system by learners
Teiko Nakano
keywords: online library; Japanese graded readers; reading habits; digital books.

Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Shift-Invariant Image Motif Discovery
Sahar Torkamani and Volker Lohweg
keywords: Motif discovery; Image processing; Wavelet transformation.

Platform As A Service Development Cost & Security
Aspen Olmsted
keywords: PaaS; cloud computing; CRM

Why We Need Static Analyses of Service Compositions --- Fault vs. Error Analysis of Soundness
Thomas M. Prinz and Wolfram Amme
keywords: Service Composition; Analysis; Case Study; Mojo; Soundness

Recognition of Similar Marble Textures through Different Neural Networks with De-correlated Input Data
Irina Topalova and Magdalina Uzunova
keywords: MLP neural network; SOM neural network; texture recognition; pre-processing; de-correlation

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