ThinkMind // ACHI 2015, The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
 Type: conference Download: ACHI 2015 cover page Download: ACHI 2015 foreword page Download: ACHI 2015 committee page Download: ACHI 2015 table of contents Download: ACHI 2015 full proceedings Notes: IARIA Conference. Editors: Leslie Miller, Iowa State University - Ames, USA Alma Leora Culén , University of Oslo, Norway Event editions: - there are 14 editions. ISSN: 2308-4138 ISBN: 978-1-61208-382-7 Location: Lisbon, Portugal Dates: from February 22, 2015 to February 27, 2015 Articles: there are 46 articles UI Delegation: The 3rd Dimension for Cross-Platform User Interfaces Dagmawi Lemma Gobena, Abel Gomes, and Dejene Ejigu keywords: cross-platform UI; multi-platform UI; user interface design; ubiquitous computing.
Human Input about Linguistic Summaries in Time Series Forecasting Katarzyna Kaczmarek, Olgierd Hryniewicz, and Rudolf Kruse keywords: information retrieval; human-computer interaction; time series and sequence models; Bayesian methods; supervised learning
Modelling Volo, an Augmentative and Alternative Communication application Antonina Dattolo and Flaminia Luccio keywords: Zz-structures; mobile app; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Experiments and Applications of Support System for Caregivers with Optical Fiber Sensor and Cleaning Robot Junko Ichikawa, Norihiko Shinomiya, and Tetsuya Kon keywords: monitoring system; sensor network; cleaning robot; nursing.
Evaluation of a Vibrotactile Device For Outdoor and Public Transport Pedestrian Navigation Using Virtual Reality Olivier Hugues, Lucie Brunet, Christine Megard, and Philippe Fuchs keywords: Vibrotactile device evaluation; multi-modal interface; tourism mobile device; public transport; virtual reality
One Hand or Two Hands? 2D Selection Tasks With the Leap Motion Device Manuel Seixas, Jorge Cardoso, and Maria Dias keywords: Interaction Device; Leap Motion; HCI; Pointing devices; Performance evaluation; Selection tasks
Developing Evaluation Matrix of Digital Library Interface by Analyzing Bloopers of Korean National Digital Library Sites Miah Kam and Jee Yeon Lee keywords: Digital Library User Interface; Library Service Components; Web Bloopers; Heuristic Evaluation; Evaluation Matrix
Implementing the Tactile Detection Task in a Real Road Experiment to Assess a Traffic Light Assistant Michael Krause, Verena Knott, and Klaus Bengler keywords: DRT, TDT, TDRT, IVIS, detection response task; smartphone; cognitive workload
Perspective and Use of Empathy in Design Thinking Andrea Gasparini keywords: Empathy; Design Thinking; Designerly Thinkinig; Service Design.
Modified Betweenness to Analyze Relay Nodes to Identify Relay Nodes in Data Networks Masaaki Miyashita and Norihiko Shinomiya keywords: Betweenness centrality, Graph theory, Data networks
User Interface Development of a COPD Remote Monitoring Application Berglind Smaradottir, Martin Gerdes, Rune Fensli, and Santiago Martinez keywords: user-centred design; remote monitoring; usability evaluation; patient empowerment; telemedicine
Field Evaluation of a New Railway Dispatching Software Isabel Schütz and Anselmo Stelzer keywords: evaluation methods; connection dispatching; usability; railway engineering
Inversus - The Sensitive Machine Luís Leite and Verónica Orvalho keywords: HCI, audiovisual instrument, DIY, user experience, interactive installations
Instruments for Collective Design in a Professional Context: Digital Format or New Processes ? Samia Ben Rajeb and Pierre Leclercq keywords: collaborative design; professional practice; observations; tools and processes
Icons++: An Interface that Enables Quick File Operations Using Icons Xiangping Xie and Jiro Tanaka keywords: icon interface; preview; file operation; file manager.
Designing an Adaptive User Interface According to Software Product Line Engineering Yoann Gabillon, Nicolas Biri, and Benoit Otjacques keywords: Adaptive User Interface; Software Product Line; Dynamic Software Product Line; Feature Model; Context of use
Intelligent Shop Window Reo Suzuki, Yutaka Takase, and Yukiko I. Nakano keywords: augmented reality; shop window, overlaid display, Kinect sensor
Human-Machine Cooperation in General Game Playing Maciej Świechowski, Kathryn Merrick, Jacek Mańdziuk, and Hussein Abbass keywords: human-machine study; human-machine cooperation; General Game Playing; Monte Carlo Tree Search
Home Monitoring of Mental State With Computer Games; Solution Suggestion to the Mental Modern Pentathlon Scoring Problem Pál Breuer, Gábor Csukly, Péter Hanák, László Ketskeméty, and Béla Pataki keywords: mental wellness; home health monitoring; serious games, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), mixed data fusion
Exploring Facets of Playability: The Differences Between PC and Tablet Gaming Uttam Kokil and José Luis González Sánchez keywords: Tablet gaming; player experience; gaming platforms; physiological evaluation
Physical Therapy Intervention Through Virtual Reality in Individuals With Balance Disability: a Case Study Mauro Audi, Amanda Lavagnini Barrozo, Bruna de Oliveira Perin, Lígia Maria Presumido Braccialli, and Andréia Naomi Sankako keywords: physical therapy; balance; virtual reality.
G-IM: An Input Method of Chinese Characters for Character Amnesia Prevention Kazushi Nishimoto and Jianning Wei keywords: input method of Chinese characters; character amnesia; incorrect character shapes; pronunciation-based input method; (re)building retention and recall of Chinese characters.
HCI Education: Innovation, Creativity and Design Thinking Alma Leora Culén keywords: innovation; creativity; design thinking; education.
Web Based E-learning Tool for Visualization and Analysis of 3D Motion Capture Data Andraž Krašček, Kristina Stojmenova, Sašo Tomažič, and Jaka Sodnik keywords: Qualisys; e-learning; 3D data; AIM model; WebGL; WebSocket
Orientation Aids for Mobile Maps Jussi Jokinen and Pertti Saariluoma keywords: mental spatial orientation; mental rotation; mobile maps; orientation aids; reference-frame misalignment
Understanding Map Operations in Location-based Surveys Georgi Batinov, Michelle Rusch, Tianyu Meng, Kofi Whitney, Thitivatr Patanasakpinyo, Les Miller, and Sarah Nusser keywords: location-based surveys, map operations
Using Crowdsourcing to Improve Accessibility of Geographic Maps on Mobile Devices Tania Calle and Sergio Luján keywords: Web accessibility, map, crowdsourcing, geographic information, SVG Tiny, mobile devices.
X Sign Language (xSL) Forum: Considering Deafness as a Language Rather Than an Impairment Zahen Malla Osman and Jérôme Dupire keywords: Deaf, Internet forum, online; video, communication, interaction, sign language
Are Current Usabilty Methods Viable for Maritime Operation Systems? Yushan Pan, Sisse Finken, and Sashidharan Komandur keywords: Interactions; usability; maritime operations; sociomaterial systems.
When Simple Technologies Make Life Difficult Suhas Govind Joshi keywords: simplicity, elderly, welfare technology
Identifying User Experience Elements for People with Disabilities Mingyu Lee, Sung H. Han, Hyun K. Kim, and Hanul Bang keywords: User experience (UX); UX elements; Disabled people; Usability; Affect; User value
Adaptive Content Presentation Extension for Open edX. Enhancing MOOCs Accessibility for Users with Disabilities Sandra Sanchez-Gordon and Sergio Luján-Mora keywords: massive open online course; MOOC; accessibility; adaptive content presentation; Open edX.
Expressive Humanoid Face: a Preliminary Validation Study Nicole Lazzeri, Daniele Mazzei, Antonio Lanatà, Alberto Greco, Annalisa Rotesi, and Danilo Emilio De Rossi keywords: Facial expressions; emotion perception; humanoid robot; expression recognition; social robots
A User-Centered Approach for Social Recommendations Francesco Colace, Massimo De Santo, Luca Greco, Flora Amato, Vincenzo Moscato, Fabio Persia, and Antonio Picariello keywords: Recommender Systems; Sentiment Analysis; Context- Awareness
Scalable Projection-type Three-dimensional Display by Using Compensation of Geometric Distortion Youngmin Kim, Sunghee Hong, Sangkyun Kim, Hyunmin Kang, Jisoo Hong, Sangwon Lee, and Hoonjong Kang keywords: Three-dimensional display, geometrical optics
Distributed Collaborative Construction in Mixed Reality Christian Blank, Malte Eckhoff, Iwer Petersen, Raimund Wege, and Birgit Wendholt keywords: Mixed Reality, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Natural User Interaction
Perceptional Approach to Design of Industrial Plant Monitoring Systems Mehmet Gokturk, Mustafa Bakir, Burak Aydogan, and Mehmet Aydin keywords: Plant Monitoring Systems; Management Information System; Perception, Human Performance
Web-based Immersive Panoramic Display Systems for Mining Applications and Beyond Tomasz Bednarz and Eleonora Widzyk-Capehart keywords: Panorama; VR; AR; WebGL; 3-D Annotations
Combining Image Databases for Affective Image Classification Hye-Rin Kim and In-Kwon Lee keywords: image emotion; emotion-based classification; affective
Automatic Creation of a HLA Simulation Infrastructure for Simulation-Based UI Evaluation in Rapid UI Prototyping Processes Bertram Wortelen and Christian van Göns keywords: rapid prototyping; virtual user models; co-simulation; user interface evaluation
Sentiment Classification for Chinese Microblog Wen-Hsing Lai and Chang-Hsun Li keywords: sentiment classification; emotion; support vector machine; microblog; emoticon
Two Dimentional Shapes for Emotional Interfaces: Assessing the Influence of Angles, Curvature, Symmetry and Movement Daniel Pacheco, Sylvain Le Groux, and Paul F.M.J. Verschure keywords: Affective Computing; Emotional interfaces; Graphical User Interfaces; Emotional Design; Expressive Interfaces
You Do Not Miss Advice from Mentor during Presentation: Recognizing Vibrating Rhythms Ali Mehmood Khan and Michael Lawo keywords: Actuator, Wearable computing, Haptic feedback.
The Effect of Touch-key Size and Shape on the Usability of Flight Deck MCDU Lijing Wang, Qiyan Cao, Jiaming Chang, and Chaoyi Zhao keywords: touch screen; flight deck; MCDU; touch-key size; interface
A Literature Review: Form Factors and Sensor Types of Wearable Devices Dong Yeong Jeong, Sung H. Han, Joohwan Park, Hyun K. Kim, Heekyung Moon, and Bora Kang keywords: wearable device, form factor, sensor, body part
Identifying Interaction Problems on Web Applications due to the Change of Input Modality Andre da Silva, André Luis Viana, and Samuel de Lima keywords: Multimodality; Usability Evaluation; Web Applications